The Reality Series consists of several hundreds of symmetric and regularly developing geometric forms. In the center is Man with a square contour. The act is performed when Man takes his hand out of the square situation and resonance begins. It starts from a small silhouette change, and the last, hundredth square undergoes a major change, losing its initial volume and changing the reality that seems to be eternal.
In 1972, Edward Lorenz released his article entitled “Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?” According to Lorenz, the innumerable mutual ties in nature allow us to claim that the flap of a butterfly’s wings can set off a tornado…and can also prevent it.
I conceived the concept of the “Reality” series after I moved to Washington State and I met a stranger person whose eyes were extremely sad and who I believe had lost faith in his strength. Who was he? I asked myself. I think that, like all of us, he was a person who once was capable of taking on trouble. I suspect he once thought he had a boundless horizon to create his world on his own with the faith to explore his very own “blossomed branches.”
After that I watched people around me, coming and going, keeping themselves busy throughout the day. In every group, in every moment, among those people I could always see perplexed persons. People who seemed to have chosen to be perplexed; people who carried looks of despair – all these people passing by me. It affected me. I started walking slowly, and found that my sadness would become stratified. What can a sculptor do? I asked myself, as someone living amongst all those troubled people.
Then I realized that big things come in small packages. This is how the “Reality” series was conceived, and it could be the small package that would serve as a guide for a person to reconsider life and have faith.
This series is about people. The frequency of “resonance” corroborates the idea that when a person really wants to take action, and takes action consistently and without being lazy about it, he or she can revolutionize his or her inner world and then later, the outer world in which they live. One simply needs to take a step and realize that the small changes in the original state lead to incomparably bigger changes in the sequential state.
Act I
Man from within the geometric volume
Internal state is necessary. The precondition for the act is energy, which serves as the origin of the act. The frequency of the step taken leads to the desired change.
Act IV Man from within the geometric volume. The tide stretching for change does not achieve its goal and returns to the initial volume.
Act III Man from within the geometric volume. The resonance of the consistent act grew and came close to another unknown reality.
Act II
Man from within the geometric volume
The change is relative to the driving force applied, and the only thing that is added is the fact that is referred to as Resonance.
• What is the Reality Series?
• How does it express the aspirations to change the current reality?
• Why is it capable of becoming a way of understanding the world today?